martedì 17 marzo 2009

Condoms Stop HIV, Pope Stops Condoms, Stop the Pope

"E l'Aids non si vince con preservativi"
L'epidemia di Aids "non si può superare con la distribuzione dei preservativi che, anzi aumentano i problemi": è quanto ha affermato Benedetto XVI, durante il suo viaggio verso l'Africa. Il Papa ha indicato come unica strada efficace quella di un "rinnovo spirituale e umano" nella sessualità. (repubblica 17-03-09)

credo che il papa é della corrente di pensiero secondo cui se chi ha l'AIDS ha rapporti con una vergine, guarisce.


giovedì 12 marzo 2009

supereroi contro la municipal

l'altro sabato, mentre noi bevavamo delle simpatiche birrette a bairro alto, hanno bloccato la macchina dell'amico con cui eravamo:

era la municipale

avevano bloccato tutte le macchine della zona e poi aspettavano nel loro furgoncino che la gente pagasse i 60 euri per tornare a casa.

ho tenuto l'adesivo che c'era sulla portiera e ora sono pronto a diventare un supereroe contro la municipale con il mio mat-monociclo segreto:

lunedì 9 marzo 2009

andale andale arriba arriba

a lisbona c'é una piazza. accanto a questa piazza ce n'é un altra piú importante, che si chiama Rossio. in mezzo a questa piazza c'é una statua. le guide turistiche non ufficiali (me compreso) raccontano che il personaggio raffigurato in questa statua non é D. Pedro I (in portogallo conosciuto come D. Pedro IV), imperatore del Brasile, bensi Massimiliano del Messico, principe di Ungheria e Boemia e imperatore del Messico per ben 3 anni.
dicono, queste guide illegali, che la statua, forgiata forse in italia, si trovava su una barca per il messico che fece scalo a Lisbona nel 1867. in questo stesso anno l'imperatore fu fucilato (dal bisnonno di zapata penso io) e allora, visto che la statua era inutile ai messicani, i portoghesi avrebbero pensato bene di usarla per D.Pedro I/IV, tanto cosi in alto chi si sarebbe accorto delle differenze?
Un'altra versione dice che le 2 statue furono forgiate nella stessa officina italiana dove poi sarebbe avvenuto accidentalmente lo scambio nell'atto della spedizione (Poste italiane, parte il jingle).
Ebbene...non é vero niente, é tutta una balla. un illustre studioso di lisbona, Appio Sottomayor ride di questa storia (noi invece ridiamo del suo nome) e dice che addirittura i bottoni della giacca di D. Pedro I/IV (l'unico, l'originale) riportano il simbolo del portogallo.
amici, scusate se vi ho raccontato questa balla in occasione della vostra lieta visita portoghese.
continueró a farlo.

mercoledì 4 marzo 2009

Why Facebook Is for Old Fogies By Lev Grossman Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009, TIME

Facebook is five. Maybe you didn't get it in your news feed, but it was in February 2004 that Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg, along with some classmates, launched the social network that ate the world. Did he realize back then in his dorm that he was witnessing merely the larval stage of his creation? For what began with college students has found its fullest, richest expression with us, the middle-aged. Here are 10 reasons Facebook is for old fogies:

1. Facebook is about finding people you've lost track of. And, son, we've lost track of more people than you've ever met. Remember who you went to prom with junior year? See, we don't. We've gone through multiple schools, jobs and marriages. Each one of those came with a complete cast of characters, most of whom we have forgotten existed. But Facebook never forgets

2. We're no longer bitter about high school. You're probably still hung up on any number of petty slights, but when that person who used to call us that thing we're not going to mention here, because it really stuck, asks us to be friends on Facebook, we happily friend that person. Because we're all grown up now. We're bigger than that. Or some of us are, anyway. We're in therapy, and it's going really well. These are just broad generalizations. Next reason.

3. We never get drunk at parties and get photographed holding beer bottles in suggestive positions. We wish we still did that. But we don't.

4. Facebook isn't just a social network; it's a business network. And unlike, say, college students, we actually have jobs. What's the point of networking with people who can't hire you? Not that we'd want to work with anyone your age anyway. Given the recession — and the amount of time we spend on Facebook — a bunch of hungry, motivated young guns is the last thing we need around here.

5. We're lazy. We have jobs and children and houses and substance-abuse problems to deal with. At our age, we don't want to do anything. What we want is to hear about other people doing things and then judge them for it. Which is what news feeds are for.

6. We're old enough that pictures from grade school or summer camp look nothing like us. These days, the only way to identify us is with Facebook tags.

7. We have children. There is very little that old people enjoy more than forcing others to pay attention to pictures of their children. Facebook is the most efficient engine ever devised for this.

8. We're too old to remember e-mail addresses. You have to understand: we have spent decades drinking diet soda out of aluminum cans. That stuff catches up with you. We can't remember friends' e-mail addresses. We can barely remember their names.

9. We don't understand Twitter. Literally. It makes no sense to us.

10. We're not cool, and we don't care. There was a time when it was cool to be on Facebook. That time has passed. Facebook now has 150 million members, and its fastest-growing demographic is 30 and up. At this point, it's way cooler not to be on Facebook. We've ruined it for good, just like we ruined Twilight and skateboarding. So git! And while you're at it, you damn kids better get off our lawn too.
(ok lo confesso, il mio inglese non mi ha permesso di capire tutto tutto tutto, diciamo una buona parte)

martedì 3 marzo 2009


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